MARC  WB3JOE/R  W3NWA  Southeastern PA


MARC Presidents

1977    Peter Essl K3ZFG (SK) 1996-97 Robert Lees W3ZQN
1978    William Scholz W3YSZ 1998-99 Thomas Porett N3JMA
1979     Peter Essl K3ZFG (SK) 2000-06 Stephen Maslin N3ORH (now NS4M)
1980     John Bartholomew WB3ELA (SK) 2007-09 Dieter Hauer K3DK
1981    Donald Schuenemann WB3AYT 2010-15 Steven Werner KD3WK
1982    Jeffrey Ollis WB3KNB 2016-18 Jeremy Carlo N2ZLQ
1983-84  Alan Maslin W3DZI (now N3EA) 2019-20 Richard Russo KB3VZL (SK)
1985 Carter Craigie KA3IME (now N3AO) (SK) 2021- Jeremy Carlo N2ZLQ
1986-87 Alan Maslin W3DZI (now N3EA)    
1988 John Bartholomew WB3ELA (SK)    
1989-90 Alan Maslin W3DZI  (now N3EA)    
1991 Carter Craigie KA3IME (now N3A) (SK)    
1992-93 Alan Maslin W3DZI  (now N3EA)    
1994-95 Thomas Porett N3JMA    






MARC Club Meeting Presentations

13 Decibels and Down and Off the Grid  Jim Smith K3RTU

Preparing for MARC Public Service Communications  Jim Smith K3RTU

MARC Homebrew Night  Jim Smith K3RTU

Sources and Resources for Backpack QRP  Jim Smith K3RTU

Software Defined Radio in Ham Radio  Dennis Silage K3DS

Just What is this DMR Mode You've Been Hearing About? Jim Foster W3JNF, Vince Buono WA3ADI and Jim Smith K3RTU

Rebirth of HF  Rohde & Schwartz

TUARC AMSAT Activity Dennis Silage K3DS

Antenna Analyzers - Part 1  Barry Feierman K3EUI

Cycle 25 Propagation Carl Luetzelschwab K9LA

What's All This Digital Voice Stuff? Dennis Silage K3DS

Wires-X Yaesu System Fusion Steve Davidson K3FZT

RF Safety Qualifications For Amateur Radio Stations Dennis Silage K3DS

MARC Repeater Systems Explained Dennis Silage K3DS 

MARC 40th Anniversary

MARC celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2016. Here are some of the contents of the souvenir CDROM given to the membership at the 2016 Holiday Party.  MARC 25th Anniversary   REMARCS Newsletter

MARC Original 147.06 MHz Repeater

From 1976 to 1985 the MARC 147.06 VHF repeater was located at Villanova University and for a time used the original call sign WR3ABZ until the WB3JOE club call was obtained. The tower and pole shown above the academic building mounted the repeater antenna. The original repeater cabinet included receiver, transmitter, controller and duplexers.

MARC WB3JOE original QSL card

MARC in Lights on the PECO Building for the 10th Anniversary 1986

QST Through the Early Decades



QST Through the Ages